hard hat


hard hat 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a protective helmet of metal or plastic, especially as worn by construction or factory workers.
  2. a uniformed soldier of a regular army, as opposed to a guerrilla.

hard hat 近义词

n. 名词 noun

protective headgear

更多hard hat例句

  1. Suddenly, men and women who’d toiled in humid fields, pulling the suckers from tobacco—who’d grown up reading by the light of kerosene lamps – could trade in their tobacco pegs for hard hats.
  2. The technicians on deck, clad in hard hats and clipped into harnesses, reeled the cable in.
  3. At a site visit last month, as rockfall tumbled down into a ditch on the uphill side of the road, park officials wearing hard hats described their maintenance crews’ intense efforts to keep traffic moving before the closure.
  4. Inside the school, about a dozen men in hard hats worked on the hallway and courtyard.
  5. The system uses a GoPro camera mounted on top of a hard hat.
  6. Just the hard-on before you shoot unarmed members of the public.
  7. But so-called jungle primaries are notoriously hard to predict or poll.
  8. My body used for his hard pleasure; a stone god gripping me in his hands.
  9. All of my stories are about people trying hard not to grow up.
  10. We also have a growing body of biological research showing that fathers, like mothers, are hard-wired to care for children.
  11. Behold a dumpy, comfortable British paterfamilias in a light flannel suit and a faded sun hat.
  12. On his head was the second-hand hat of some parvenu's coachman, gold lace, cockade and all.
  13. He thought they were now in touch with our troops at "X" but that they had been through some hard fighting to get there.
  14. However this be, it is hard to say that these fibs have that clear intention to deceive which constitutes a complete lie.
  15. And it would be hard indeed, if so remote a prince's notions of virtue and vice were to be offered as a standard for all mankind.